Thursday, October 13, 2011

Campaign Finance

I think candidates spend too much money on their campaigns. I would say I'm not comfortable with the amounts of money each person raises for their campaign. They don't need to spend mass amounts of money to get people's votes. I think it's more of like a status symbol with all the money you raise. It's kind of like a "look at me! Look how much money I can raise. I'm very well liked because I can get tons of people to give me a ton of money." I think the government should put more restrictions on how much money each candidate can raise in their campaigns. Because if you're rich and you have a lot of rich friends obviously you're going to raise more money than someone who isn't extremely rich and doesn't have rich friends. Having more money than someone else gives you an unfair advantage over that person. But just because you raised more money doesn't exactly mean that you will win the election.

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