Friday, October 21, 2011

Wall Street

I think the Wall Street protest is very effective. These people have found a way to use the first amendement to their full advantage. They are using the freedom of speech and freedom of assembly in a nonviolent way. Because of this police can not do anything about it. It started off as a little protest in New York to a worldwide speculation. Through media, such as facebook and twitter, more and more people are joining to support the cause. Shown in the clip we watched in class, people are willing to stay out overnight, rain and shine so, it is good what people are doing to get their voices heard.


StaceyBooth said...

I agree with Melissa. I think they are using the first ammendment to their full advantage and dedicating themeselves to a cause they believe in.

Ashley Krippinger said...

I agree with Melissa and the fact that they are exercising the first amendment to the fullest. These people are willing to dedicate their time, even through the bad weather and tough circumstances, to get their voice heard. I think it's important that these protesters show their support as much as they can. They are doing this because many people are noticing them and their beliefs. The media is also noticing them, which is an even better way of getting their beliefs out in society, gaining more supporters.