Friday, October 14, 2011

Campaign Spendin

I gotta say that I think that theres a bit too much money goin into campaign spendin. I understand that it costs a lot of money for campaigns, but billions is crossin tha line. All that money could be goin to better things like helpin the economy or somethin. For lesser known candidates like third party ones, then I guess it would be okay if they spent a bit more because they are not as known. As I said before though, billions are crossin tha line.


Silpsupha said...

Money in the campaigns are a lot. The amount in the campaigns could affect the way the elections are run as. By the money that is over how much is needed, the debt can form from the campaign. I agree with what you typed. Campaigns do go over the amount needed. As much money is needed, the amount should be to a point that the debt is not so big to fix.

Will Lazzar said...

I agree with you. Candidates can easily spend less money on campaigns and still win. If they donate the money instead then people will see that and know that the candidate is acctually trying to help the community and the country. They spend more money than they need to. If a candidate donated like a million dollars then a lot of people will like that person