Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Freedom of Speech and Assembly

Yes, I think the Wall Street Protests are an effective use of freedom of speech and assembly. With such a large passionate crowd of people, the protest is very hard to stop/control, and there is very little the police officers can do without violating the peoples' rights and staying nonviolent. Though the media can censor what footage/information the public sees from the protest, the public can still see and hear first hand what is actually happening on Wall Street through the speeches, signs and ideas they are spreading. The protesters use their right to freedom of speech/assembly to their advantage.

1 comment:

melissahamby said...

I agree that the people are using their freedoms to full advantaged. There is very little police officers can do because they are not doing anything wrong. Media I think is a big help in getting their voices heard. This is an effective way to get what they want. They are willing to stay overnight, even if it is raining. These people are very dedicated. So we will see how long this protest can last.