Sunday, November 27, 2011


I knew that we as Americans are pretty wasteful, but I had no idea the extent of it. I think the video said we accounted for some 30% of the worlds waste and that is ridiculous and selfish. Then when we waste our resources we go into other countries and take their resources like its our own, it's just wrong. We just take and don't give, we always want more and are never happy with what we have. Speaking of which, black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving, right? Thanksgiving is a day where we all give thanks for the things we have and are greatful, yet later that night we trample other people in a barbaric frenzy to get stuff we don't actually need...seems a little hypocritical.

1 comment:

Maria Dirkes said...

I agree, the way we act about resources is very selfish and wasteful. Also black Friday does seem very hypocritical.