Sunday, November 20, 2011


Wal-mart is has become one of the biggest companys in the United States. It's low prices makes it eaiser for people to get what they need cheaper and faster. Though wal- mart is good in the way it helps people who can't always affored things, it's the many reason people can not affored iteams. Wal-mart is a company that makes businesses go bankrupt cause lots of people to loss thier jobs. Makeing it hared to deal with money , which cause a drop in the economy. Also wal-mart dosen't care any of their empolys or any of the people who shop at wal-mart. The people who run wal-mart only care about becomeing richer, and by doing this it puts a even bigger gap between the rich and the poor.

1 comment:

Kirill said...

I agree with Alanna, Walmart has its good and bad. Of course with Walmarts low prices people loose their jobs because they cant compete. I think thats its not fair for businesses who have been around for so long and then just get shut down. Also i do admit the low prices help the people who aren't earning so much but again people suffer at the same time. People shouldn't be scarred every day weather or not they might lose their business. Walmart will have to end its rein some time.