Thursday, November 17, 2011


This week, you will be watching a documentary on Wal-Mart. After viewing the documentary, do you think that Wal-Mart is "bad" for America's economy, or has it "fairly" become a successful company in America's capitalist system? Explain.
I used to think that people who didn't like wal-mart was because they just had a bad experience with it or they thought they were too good for it, but now that i've watched the documentary i have a completely new view of the store. Before the documentary i thought wal-mart was a fair priced company & that it helped out a few people in need. Now that i have a better view of the store, i have started to dislike it more and more... i would think that a company that big could at least help out their employees instead of making them ask the government. No wonder their prices are so low; we all pay high taxes to support ll their employees since they can't. I personally feel like the government should say something to them since they're basically taking advantage of the government plans for the poor. Wal-mart is trying to take over the world!

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