Wednesday, September 14, 2011

8th Amendment

This amendment states- Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted. The death penalty is a cruel punishment for a crime no matter how bad it is. I think that the death penalty is escaping this amendment because of how it has been used through out the ages.


Crosby said...

Really Chaps? The death penalty is not a cruel punishment for a crime no matter how bad it is. There has been mass murders and mass rapists. And sometimes people do both. You really think that they don't deserve to die for those sickening crimes. If they just have to serve life in prison, they get free meals, place to stay, and free health care. That punishment isn't bad for those abominations. They don't deserve to get all that free stuff. They should get the death penalty and that way, maybe more people think, hmmm I shouldn't do what that guy did because I don't want to be sentenced to death. So you may want to reconsider your opinion on the death penalty.

Brian Ciardiello said...

i also disagree with you chppel. I tink that the death penalty is very fair. If someone commited a horrible crime, then they deserve to die for it. I think that they need complete proof or else they shouldnt be executed. This also puts fear into the criminals mind because they know if they commit a crime they can lose their lives. This may turn some people against doing the crime which would be good. Also, it saves taxpayers money by not having to pay for that criminal's whole life in prison.

Mrs. Corcoran said...

What do you guys think does count as cruel and unusual punishment?

Brian Ciardiello said...
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Brian Ciardiello said...

Kitty Kats