Sunday, September 18, 2011

8th amendment:controversial

The eighth amendment protects us from cruel and unusual punishment. If we commit a crime we have the right as a citizen to be punished fairly and reasonably. What should we consider cruel and unusual punishments though; is killing someone cruel? This is the problem with the eighth amendment. Although we can agree that no one should be punished with cruelty, we all have different standpoints and beliefs. As mentioned before killing someone, or the death sentence, in particular, is very controversial as a punishment. Some americans believe it is fair justice to kill someone for committing murder, while others believe two wrongs don't make a right and the death penalty is ethically wrong. This is why each state should have their own cruel and unusual punishment laws because it can be very complicated.

1 comment:

Kara Kirchner said...

I agree with Mia, leaving it up to each state would make things less complicated because the rules would be specific to that state. The topic is very controversial and maybe by making cruel and unusual punishments up to a state, the problem could be resolved or at least kept under control.