Sunday, September 4, 2011

Baby Steps

For many of the people in America, seeing is believing. Without being able to actually see what's going in in North Korea, it's hard for us to decide what is the best to solve the problem. We have to many different perspectives on what is going on there, that many of them contradict each other. The first major step in solving this problem is finding out what is really going on in North Korea. If it is impossible for us to talk to them, then we need the help of their allies, or other countries that they collaborate with. At this point, the US just needs to concentrate on taking baby steps to solve this problem. Without a clear idea of what is going on, the US could easily make a mistake in either their judgments or actions. So before we start to try to fix what's going on inside of North Korea, we need to have a clear understanding of what is really happening.

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