Sunday, September 18, 2011

Cruel and Unusual Punishment

I believe that the death penalty is cruel and unusual punishment. I doesn't even make sense, this person killed someone so lets kill him to show the world what happens when you kill people. It also angers me that they don't view the person as being able to change, everyone is able to make even small changes. When you are dealing with a person's life there are just too many unknowns to justify killing them. If we truly believe that killing a killer makes us good people, I think we need to take a closer look.


devinmahoney said...

I agree with you that the death penalty doesn't make sense. In a way it is showing people that an eye for an eye is okay and the best way to deal with someone who has killed another person is to just kill them too. It makes it seem like we are too lazy to help people change, so instead we use the punishment we think is easiest and quickest.

Quinton rexananoumus bley said...

Yes, what gives the government the right to take a life rather than a citizen? is the death penalty giving the ideology that problems can be resolved with wiping a criminal clean off of the earth. Shoving a problem under the rug is the right way to deal with it, right? No, not at all, if anything it would be feeding to the fire. I believe there needs to be a better look at the prison system in general. Shoving a man in prison changes him into nothing close to what he was before; it hardens him. Prison surrounds that man with other criminals and makes him more ruthless to protect himself from the negative energy. Prison is a vicious cycle of being permanently damned with debt and carrying a big red X on his record when trying to get a job, how can that rehabilitating?