Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Electoral College

In my opinion we should get rid of the Electoral College. The American people have proved that they can choose a candidate that isn’t crazy or not qualified. The primary elections narrow the main choices down a lot. Not to say that there haven’t been some bad outcomes with past elected presidents but what is the point of the middleman that is the Electoral College. They usually pick the candidate with the popular vote, and if they don’t choose that candidate is it usually for a political party difference and that’s not what should matter after the people of America have spoken. An example of when the Electoral College changed their decision was when they elected George W. Bush when Al Gore won the popular vote from the people. Need I say more?


tiffanytufts said...

I disagree with you because it would be such a hassle to deal with the people who would try to prank the polls. It would be stupid to put the power only into the people because of all the people out there who wouldn't take voting seriously. We should definitely keep the system the way it is now to ensure that we have fair votes.

mia cupidro said...

I honestly don't think prank polling would be a problem. i mean possibly some pranksters might pull it the first year or so, but the general public will not find it funny. Has there been any president in the last 200years or so that hasn't been republican or democrat? No because the majority percentage of Americans always stay true to their traditions.