Sunday, September 25, 2011

Electoral College

I think that the Electoral College needs to be done away with. The whole idea of the college is garbage. We are supposed to be in a democratic society, where we the people are the ones who choose who lead us. I mean sure you can make the case that the college is supposed to reflect the popular vote, but that is also garbage. If the above statement was true then we would be talking about former president Al Gore, not Bush. If the Electoral College is the one picking the president then why does the government even waste the people's time by conducting a popular vote? Because it sure as hell isn't fooling anybody.


Mike Wallentin said...

i agree because it more then just unfair to the voters who want to see change, but it also takes away from what america is a bout PEOPLE

Maria Dirkes said...

i agree the electoral college isn't something that is really necessary anymore.

Silpsupha said...

The electoral college does help the citizens because the electoral college shows who the voters like the most. Voters may look to be reflecting the majority. This protects keeping the reality in check by the people can help each other stay in the appropriate decision for president. We could get rid of the electors, so the people can tell their opinion more quickly. Having only the voters' vote does work. The electoral college could count the voters' vote only.

Rob F said...

If the electoral college was done away with Micky Mouse may have been elected President. You also made a reference to our country being a Democracy. We are a Democratic Republic. Our Costitution states that we provide a Republican government.