Friday, September 9, 2011

freedom of speech

Freedom of speech is a very powerful thing. It gives a write not only to stand up for ourselves but what we believe in. If you look at we can get on public telivision and can say that we disagree with the beliefs of Barrac Obama and some people even make fun of him on tv, and not get killed or put in jail. Some people even will agree with you. In other countries, or past forms of government you run your mouth about people like Mussolini, Hitler, Stalin, or kim jung ill, you most likley would be slaughtered or thrown into a concentration camp


rachel_freund said...

I agree with Danny. Freedom of speech is a very powerful thing. Sometimes I think people take it for granted. But in other countries people cannot always say what they want all the time. It is important to remember how lucky we all are.

Amy Bidstrup said...

I agree. We shouldn't take the right of freedom of speech for granted. We never think about other countries and how they aren't given the right to say whatever it is they want. They could be put in jail or even killed for expressing their opinion on something or someone.

Anna Aiello said...

Well put Danny. There are a lot of countries out there that do not allow people to be free without punishment. Such as what we saw in North Korea with Kim Jung Il