Sunday, September 11, 2011

Freedom of Speech

I believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion and can speak their mind about whatever they want. However, I think that once you start to bully someone else it isn't right. Just like the Megan story we heard about in class, that mom crossed the line between being free to speak your mind and hurting someone.


Silpsupha said...

I think you are right. Bullying someone does go over the meaning of freedom of speech. People can be in pain from the words that are too harmful. The first amendment does say people have the right to talk out in the United States. Having a limit on the freedom of speech helps the citizens. Freedom of speech gives someone to look forward in the future.

Mrs. Corcoran said...

Bullying is a hugely important topic when discussing free speech. I'm glad you guys mentioned it here.

Katie Hughes said...

You're totally right. There is a problem separating freedom of speech and bullying. While I believe everyone has the right to speak freely but there should be a lot of thought as to what you you say. No one knows how badly words can actually hurt.

Cole Moody said...

theres no doubt that bullying is harmfull, but i think it shoud be the responcibility of the people to censor themselves, not the governments.

Cinnamon Porter said...

I think that people should be able to say whatever they want about anything and that includes someone else. i should be able to tell someone what i really feel about them without getting in trouble. you don't have to acknowledge what I'm saying to you. you also don't have to let my words affect you