Sunday, September 11, 2011

Freedom of Speech

Freedom of Speech, means you are free to say what you want. There are no limitations on it, or else it would have had an asterik next to it, or even better, an amendment. As is, the law says freedom of speech, and until congress can come up with a better way to establish that law, there will be and should be no limitations. If someone wants to say something bad against someone else, so be it. Obviously taking this to the extreme could lead to harassment charges, but within the boundaries, no one should be able to tell you (as a U.S. Citizen) what you can say in public.


Mike Wallentin said...

I mean sure this makes sense in ways, but there is a border line where the human mind needs to be put in question. Whether or not through the power of a government or not, a person should know whats fair to say or not, to one person or another.. with its technicalities.

mia cupidro said...

there actually are multiple limitations to what you can and can't say. if what you say conflicts other peoples values or rights there is probably a law against it. There are a bunch of things you technically can't say or do including.. say anything with the intentions of harming someone, false claims, try to encourage or persuade someone to commit a crime, cyberbully, public obscenity, or threatening someone are all illegal.