Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Freedom of SPEECH

Freedom of speech does not mean all speech is protected. There are limitations like someone can’t yell fire in a movie theater. To me freedom of speech means voicing your opinion. It is okay to think and say what you want, but I feel that sometimes protests can get out of hand. In class we were talking about how that Baptist church goes to funerals and protest. In my opinion that is very rude. There are ways you can voice your opinion without being rude to others. I feel like some people stretch the boundaries of this amendment.

1 comment:

Ahnna Yoo :) said...

I like what Lizzie said about the limitations with freedom of speech like in the movie theater and the situation with the baptist church. Freedom of speech does protect against certain things, but i think now days, things are harder to decide if they fall under this amendment because of the increasing technology.