Friday, September 9, 2011

Freedom of Speech

Freedom of speech is an important part of American society. This right separates us from many other countries. I think it is important to keep freedom of speech open without as many limitations as possible. But i do believe some limitations are needed. Bleeping out swear words on certain channels and songs are an example. As long as these limitations don't become extreme and extend to the circumstances that people cannot express themselves I am okay with them.


CLAPizza said...

I agree with everything except the swear words in songs and movies, because it doesn't let the artists and directors express what they really want to express.

Dylan Hanson said...

I agree with ClAPizza 100 percent i agree with you rachel that there should be some limitations but not on songs and movies due to the reason that CLAPizza stated. Instead i feel the limitations should but on certain things. An example could be when people purposely go outta there way to put down others like when that mother created a my space for the sole purpose of making fun of that one girl.