Sunday, September 11, 2011

Many Americans don't realize how lucky they are to have the freedom of speech. But along with this freedom comes responsibility. There is a right time and place for everything to be said. What you say can get you into trouble, and saying that you have the "freedom of speech" won't always get you out of it. Many places such as schools set restrictions on what can and cannot be said. This isn't to limit a person's freedom of speech, but to protect the safety of others. One example is bullying. People are granted the freedom of speech, but this is in effect hurting others, and there is a very thin line between the freedom of speech and harassment. But places such as schools set limitations on what you say to protect others.


mayu sugikawa:) said...

I definitely agree that we take freedom of speech for granted. I also agree that there are limitations to what we can say. The freedom of speech was not created so people can hurt others. It's great that we are able to express ourselves, but we need to think about how the things we say can hurt others.

Peter Lannon said...

I agree with you here. We as the people need to accept responsibility for what we say. The only reason limitations need to be set is because we abused the law in the first place. People like to hide behind this law and that can't be accepted therefore the limitations need to be set. So, it is good that the limitations are being set in public places in order to protect people from harming each other. That's why I agree with this post

Keith Browning said...

I also agree with what you are saying. There is only limitations because it could lead to hurtful things. The limitations are set to help us out. Freedom of speech is great to have just need to know when the right things are appropriate to say. We need to watch ourselves on how we speak to others so there is no abuse going on.

StaceyBooth said...

I agree with you. I think restrictions are put there for the safety and well being of other people. If someone feels that they are in danger or being harrased, then there should be consequences.