Thursday, September 1, 2011

North Korea

I think that everyone should just leave North Korea alone. Kim Jung il doesn't want help from any other country. Although the North Korean citizens are malnourished and have little freedoms, they don't want change to their country either. They love Kim Jung Il and if another country came in and took the government over, there would be chaos and the citizens would rebel. Also, North Korea has nuclear weapons now. They are very dangerous and if a country tried to intervene with North Korea, they would be risking the state of their country. So i feel the best thing to do is leave their country alone and let them be isolated from the rest of the world. Then, maybe one day the North Korean citizens will rebel against the government and that's when other countries should all step in and start a new government.


Paul Bozek said...

i like you words, definately agree with what you have to say

Elizabeth Uhrich said...

I agree with your last two sentences the most. It would be hard for the US or any other country to try to solve North Korea's problems; it is something that they need to do on their own time. One thing that their country is in need of is a new generation. Often times, countries go under changes when a younger generation disagrees with society, and decides that they want to change it. Teenagers and young adults are the future, so they do have the power to change things. These changes can be small or big, but at this point, North Korea is due for any type of change.

Crosby said...

Char you're wrong until the last sentences. If we were to take them over now then we limit how bad their economy gets. If we wait then we have to take an even poorer country and try helping it out with all the money we don't have.