Sunday, September 4, 2011

North Korea

I think that the best thing to do is for us to leave North Korea alone. North Korea does not like the United States, in fact they hate us which we could see from the movie when people promised the "great leader" that they would commit their lives to killing all americans. The people in North Korea are brainwashed into believing all americans are bad and Kim Jong-Il is the only person who can save them from their suffering. Trying to get North Koreans to trust us and to allow us to help them is asking the people of North Korea to ignore everything they grew up learning about americans. It is almost impossible to help people who have spent their entire lives being told americans are bad people.


melissahamby said...

i agree stace. america has enough problems and they should stay out. if someone asks us or thretens us then we intervene but otherwise leave them the heck alone.

devinmahoney said...

I agree stacey and I think you made a good point about the fact that it's not possible for us to help the North Koreans when they were raised to believe the U.S. is the enemy. And because of the fact that if they do anything bad against Kim Jong-Il they will be punished, the North Korean people aren't going to go against his word and trust that the U.S. wants to help, they will view us as bad because that's what they're told.