Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Political Parties

I personally believe that the Libertarian party is going to 'make it'. As far as I can see, more and more people are becoming accepting of things that we would have called strange before. Some include legalization of pot, gay marriages, etc. Obviously the more supporters the more votes the candidates will get. This is why, in my mind, this party will make it. Whether we like it or not, parties are constantly changing as people's views differ as well.


Dean S. said...

I agree that the Libertarian party will make it to become a main political party. Acceptance is deffinately a big factor when choosing parties because the people like having a choice. Thats why most candidates will vote for Libertarian.

devinmahoney said...

I agree with you that the Libertarian Party is most likely to make it. Also, I think the fact that people are changing and becoming more accepting today will help support the Libertarian's beliefs.

Will Lazzar said...

I agree with you. I also think the Libertarian party will "make it". The main reason i believe that the Libertarian party is going to "make it", is the whole part about legalizing pot and gay marriage. There are a lot of pot smokers out there and they will all vote for the Libertarian party. The gays also.