Friday, September 2, 2011

We need to learn we can't solve every problem

I think U.S. and North Korean relationships are getting even more and more strained because of the U.S.'s involvement when we aren't wanted. We are the last people they want to talk to, and trying to force them is completely counterproductive. I think we should try and help the people by supplying medicine and other necessities that way we can at least show the North Korean government that we are trying to help their people not kill them. In short, unless we find a better way to handle the situation of our relationship with North Korea, we should keep our noses out of it. It doesn't really have anything to do with us, and while I think there needs to be aid to the people of North Korea, there are other countries that could help, seeing as North Korea doesn't want to kill them all. We could help the countries offering the aid. This way we're involved but not directly. Having soldiers right across the border isn't very helpful.


Quinton rexananoumus bley said...

Word Up! That is what I like to hear, stay out of other countries business. The North Korean view of the U.S. as imperialists are not too far off, the U.S. is considered more as a "world police man" The U.S. gathered this term every since it became a nation when exerting tremendous power over other countries with military forces but more often behind the scenes. It seems the U.S. never has its nose out of someone else's business, weather it be Mexico border dispute, repositioning native Americans, fight against the spread of communism, both world wars, and now currently the fight against terror in the middle east. We the people need to stop paying for the assistants of other countries but pay off our debt and solve internal problems.

StaceyBooth said...

I completely agree with this. I think you made a good point when you said that there are a lot of other countries that could help North Korea and we could help indirectly. I also agree with the fact that the more we stick our noses into North Korea's business, the more they seem to hate us and turn away our help.

Miro Letic said...

I agree completely. The more we get involved with North Korea the worse of it will be. North Korea is not a big fan of us and involvement in their affairs will most likely lead to more hostility. the U.S. needs to let North Korea work things out themselves. staying out of North Korea's business is best way to deal with the situation.