Tuesday, September 20, 2011

yay for electoral college

i think haveing the electoral college around to figure out who is president is a truly remarkable idea by the U.S, and i think getting rid of them would be a horrible idea. Sure the American citezens might know of the presidential canidates from what we hear and see on the t.v. But as we all know t.v can be very misleading and flat out fiction. Its the electoral colleges job to know everything about are new presidential canidates including there personal backgrounds and what they are truly bringing to the table for our great country. I mean lets say some guy was running for president and before he was a raging drug addict, its good to hear that he is changing the direction of his life but to no offense to anybody i wouldnt want that person to be affecting my life because the dissisions he makes. And the electoral college prevents that .


Ashley Krippinger said...

I agree with Danny and the fact that TV can be very misleading. It's a politicans job to study politics, and therefore, they are much more informed about the presidental candidates than we are by simply watching them on TV. The Electoral College is an important aspect to the structure of our government because it ensures that the right person is in office, managing our government.

Anna Aiello said...

I disagree with Danny because if a political candidate has something in their background that would be potentially harmful it is usually thrust into the spotlight by the media. Take the Weinergate scandal or Bill Clinton's affair. Even when Barack Obama became president people were trying to say that he wasn't actually a citizen. It is a voters job just as much as anyone else's to get informed on the candidate they intend on voting for.