Saturday, September 24, 2011

yippeee for EC

I think the electoral college should stay the way it is. I mean I haven't heard any crazy stories about how terrible it is. It seems to work pretty well. I think it's usually good to have a middle man with big decisions. I mean if you're going to buy a house most people won't just be like 'YEAH LETS SIGN THE CONTRACT NOW. wooo' They want to think about it and get some input from another person. Same with this, the electoral college is the middle man, and therefore can be helpful.


Mrs. Corcoran said...

Good analogy, Katie!

Cinnamon Porter said...

What is the point of the middle man when they don't have your best interest at heart? the electoral college doesn't listen to the people. The government is supposed to help us and lead us. But how can they help when they won't even listen to who we want as president?

Paul Bozek said...

Agreed with cinnamon, the only problem is finding a system to directly take our ideas straight to the lucky candidate when they step foot in the oval office.