Thursday, September 1, 2011

Yo Kim Jung-Il Where You At?!

We all know Kim Jung-Il is crazy and everything, but he has done nothing violent or anything drastic towards the U.S., and yeah he does teach all of his country to hate America, but let's be honest most countries do also. We should leave South Korea, we have no business being there, and they dont want us there. Why are we there? To defend a nation from reuniting with North Korea? Thats what it seems like, and thats exactly what it looks like to all the Kreans living over there. We should just let Kim Jung-Il do his thang, and for us to leave them alone. I cant see North and South Koreas' reuniting to be a bad thing.


Mrs. Corcoran said...

What does everyone think about Steve's claim that South Korea doesn't want America to defend them?

Nick Naylor said...

I believe that if South Korea asks for help, we should give it to them, but if not, I say we stay out of foreign affairs

Casie Perrino said...

I am uncertain about how I feel about this response. One one hand, I agree with what Stephen is saying. I believe that if the South Koreans does not want America in the country, then we should leave. Being there unwanted only creates tension between America and yet another country. On the other hand, I kind of think that South Korea NEEDS us there. Kim Jung Il could potentially take over both countries turning them into totalitarian states. This would be drastic for South Koreans who would have their freedoms stripped away from them, but it would also be terrifying for the rest of the world..ESPECIALLY because North Korea has nuclear weapons.