Thursday, October 20, 2011

The 99%

I don't think the protests are very effective as getting their demands met. If I was a big time business man on wall street, I would not loose one minute of sleep over a bunch of hippies sleeping out in a park. Yeah it may be an effective way to bring public attention to themselves but I don't think it will have any effect on that 1%. The cause is right but I don't think they are going about it the right way. If they want change they need to change their strategy.


Jack Finis said...

I agree with you Falcon. If they want to get this done, they need to change their strategy. I also agree on the sleep. It's a bunch of protesters making noise. They need to change many things if they want That 1% to have an effect. If nothing happens, there's no point of this all.

Cole Moody said...

i dissagree, with all the media that the group is getting, several buisnesses are getting bad reputations. they have to worry about the bad image being forced upon them.