Sunday, October 9, 2011

Being president is the worst job in the world. The president has to run a country with over 300million people. all those people are going to be all over the president trying to get things they want. Its impossible to make everyone happy so there will always be people upset at the president. Also the president has to get everything approved by congress so he cant do everything he wants. Another thing is that people blame the president for everything even though he is not the only person that's involved in our government. Because being president puts all the responsibility on you in the public's eye it is the worst job in the world.

1 comment:

Will Lazzar said...

I agree with you. The president has way to much work and then after all that work he gets blamed for stuff that happens that he probably couldnt even control. The only good thing about being president is getting to say your the president but that it.