Sunday, October 9, 2011

Being the President

I think it is an overstatement to call being the president the worst job in the world. There are many positive aspects and benefits that come with the job. You get to know about top-secret information about the United States, and you get to be the face of one the most powerful countries in the world. But along with the perks, there are many negative aspects as well. First of all, by being the President you have the lives of all 300 million people on your shoulders. That is a lot of stress and pressure! You constantly have to think about what people want and what is best for the people. And the two are rarely, if ever, the same thing. Also, by being President you will have many people that adore you, and many people who hate you. It is a guarantee that you will never please everyone in the country. If you are President, you will have to have tough skin, and to have a cool and collected mind in order to make the right decisions. I don’t think that being the president is the worst job in the world, but I do think that it’s the toughest job in the world.

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