Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Campaign Finance

I am not ok with the amount of money that goes into a political campaign. In my opinion more than 1 billion dollars spent on one man is ridiculous. Especially the loser. The loser basically just spent 1 billion dollars just to go home and try again in four years. I think that all of that money can be spent on a better cause, like actually trying to solve our countries problems. That 1 billion dollars can be used to help out our economy or something else, instead of spending it on buttons and fliers that will just be trashed anyway. There are definitely better things we can be spending that huge of an amount of money on. Just to run for a political office should not cost that much. I think that there should be a limit on money raised, so that the playing level is even. That money should not be spent trashing the opponent, but to actually educate voters.


Anna Aiello said...

I agree with you Ben. One of the big flaws in the system is the fact that the money spent by the losing candidates is just going to waste and in hindsight it is not worth the 1 billion dollars they spent

Lizzie Kapinos said...

I agree with ben that the amount of money going towards campaigns is ridiculous! I mean in the end of an election one candidate always loses and their money is wasted. I also agree that the money can be used towards more important things like helping out our economy. The government really needs to step in and limit the amount of money for each candidate.