Thursday, October 13, 2011

Campaign Finance

I think its okay that they spend as much money as they do because they need to reach as many people as possible to spread their message. And to spread their message that can coast a lot of money like flying all around the U.S to talk to people. Also I think that they should be able to spend as much money as they want to because it just makes the campaing more interesting and fun to follow. Furthermore I dont think the goverment should do more to limit the money amount because they already have a good amount of legistation against it. Also even if they did do more to stop the money from coming in, the people would find ways to get around the law without breaking it.


Janelle Schneider said...

I agree with the way they spend their money is useful to their campaigns and without it they would not get as many votes as they do. However, i dont think they should have to use that much money in order to accomplish this. They should find other ways to advertise and whatnot at a cheaper cost. There has to be someway that this can be possible so that the money can be put to better use.

Lizzzz Soto (: said...

I agree kinda , we need to show the crowd that by not having alot of money we can still make a diffrene , having alot of money for the campaign doesnt mean we should buy the people...