Tuesday, October 11, 2011


I am not comfortable with the amount of money that is spent/raised for campaigns alone. The money could go to better causes and candidates should have to prove themselves without the use of other people's money. If the candidate is worthy of being elected, he/she doesn't need a bunch of donations to do it. I don't think the government should control the amount of money raised and donated because it is too hard to control. If people want to donate money to candidates, they should be able to, but candidates shouldn't be allowed to call/push people to donate.


Anonymous said...

I find it interesting that you don't think that the government should step in. If you think that the amount of money that is spent is riduculous, shouldn't we do something about it? Or do you think that it violates our constitutional rights to limit it?

Ashley Krippinger said...

I agree with kara that if the candidate is worthy of being president, that should be known without advertising. He/she doesn't need monetary donations from electors to prove that. Candidates shouldn't have to bother people to donate because they should be giving support on their own. It comes across as pushy and annoying when a candidate is constantly asking people for money.

devinmahoney said...

I agree with you that if candidates are just using money to get votes, then how do we know if they are worthy or capable of the job. I think that if someone really believes that a candidate should be President, then they should be able to give money to support that person. I don't think it's fair for candidates to push or ask for money from the people.