Saturday, October 22, 2011

money never sleeps

The wall street protests are a great example of freedom of speech and assembly. Do I agree with what they are doing? No I don't. But that doesn't mean it's not their right to do it. Honestly though, they should stop looking for the government to solve all their problems and fix it themselves. Who cares if the government likes the 1% of richest americans. The reason is because the 1% didn't bitch about their problems. They solved it themselves and made a name for themselves. Now they have a ton of money because of their hard work and most give a good amount out to charity and donations to government. That's why the government likes them better. People have to stop asking what can my country do for me. They need to start asking what can I do for my country.


katie sharp said...

I agree with this because so many people just want to stand around and whine about how much their life stinks. But really if you want something done, you should only depend on yourself to get it done.

Dylan Hanson said...

I agree with both of you guys. The time they spend whining about not having a job. Is time they should be spending on to try and find a job.

mia cupidro said...

I'd have to disagree with all of you. It's not about being lazy and not having a job. The protests are to bring spotlight to the fact that 1% of the population keeps getting richer and richer while at the same time the other 99% of Americans including working middle class are either going further into debt or they're stuck. I also think you are making a lot of that stuff up, including"..and most give a good amount out to charity and donations to the government." Nobody would be protesting Wallstreet if they continually were giving money away to charities.