Sunday, October 2, 2011


Before doing the webquest and researching all of the third party political groups, I thought that some of them might have a chance to get one of their candidates elected. But after doing the webquest, I think that the third parties have a very slim chance of getting elected because their views are often times, to extreme. Many people are either Republicans or Democrats, and base their vote off of that. I think that having a third party candidate would only weaken one of the major parties. Many of the third parties are also not very well known by the public, so in order to get one of their candidates elected, they would need to spend lots of money on explaining their ideas and beliefs to the people.


Austin Smock said...
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Austin Smock said...

I compleatly agree with this post. if the public isnt spoon fed information they wont even know what any of these parties stand for. Once they figure it out they will notice they are too extreme. Soon after we will have gotten no where and people will continue to avoid those particular parties. If we want any thing done we need to focus on the individual canidates in the democrats and republicans and not there parties.

Kirill said...

I agree with Elizabeth about the whole third party idea. Not only are the parties not very re known but they lack qualities that make a strong party. Democrats and republics will always be the front runners and dominate because they are a real party. Instead of them wasting their money and their campaigns they could put it to better use. People can just go out name a party anything they want and thats how it all starts. who needs that ? All these third parties will come to a slow end.

alejandra(: said...

I most definitely agree with this; I feel like if the third parties were more well-known and actually tried getting in the public eye and trying to do something for the better of the government not just themselves.. then MAYBE they would be able to become an actual party.