Friday, October 21, 2011

Occupy Wall Street

I don't think the protests are an effective use of freedom of speech and assembly because I don't really think the government is going to listen to a huge group of people protesting all over the country. They know it's going on but that doesn't mean they're going to do anything to stop it. The government has their own agenda and they're going to do whatever they want even if people are staying in Central Park and other places protesting against it. Those people can stay there for the rest of their lives and I don't think their protests are going to effect what the government's decisions on running the country are.

1 comment:

Brian Ciardiello said...

I agree with you. The people have a right to protest but that doesn't mean it will always be effective. All these people think they are doing such a great thing but it isn't going to work. Nothing has happened so far and they've been protesting for a while. The government won't give in to these people. These people are just angry about not having jobs and are looking for someone to blame this on.