Sunday, October 23, 2011

occupy wallstreet: both effective and noneffective

I think the protest Occupy Wallstreet is both an effective form of freedom of speech but also ineffective. It is effective because they are using one of our main and most important rights as Americans to stand up for something and speak out against what they think is unjust. They are protesting financial inequality, large corporation greed, how CEOs and corporations influence the government, and the distibrution of wealth to the 1%. But that is also what makes the protest ineffective; there are so many different issues they are protesting. It will be hard for the protesters to take legislative action if they don't agree on a primary goal.

1 comment:

Evan Wurtz said...

I completely agree Mia. The right to protest and assemble is one of our most important rights and shows the government that we need change. It puts pressure on them to help the 99% but there is too much confusion. The protesters are putting up too many ideas to come up with a clear message. It's better to just have one clear cut message about something than to try to have 1000 ideas out there that just confuse people.