Sunday, October 2, 2011

Party Party Party lets all get..... Elected

Theres a reason why people from a third party don't get elected . The reason being is the party sucks and focuses on too much of a detailed topic , like the Green Party. Mostly with the Green party all they focus on is the Earth and who wants a government person who all they care about is just that and not things like safety or economics. These third parties are wasting the peoples time and money for something that doesn't deserve so much attention. We need to focus more on individuals who have a broad spectrum on everything and want to change everything for the better.Whether or no third parties continue to campaign or whatever it is they decide to do , i hope the American people can understand that those parties are not needed.


CLAPizza said...

Kirll I disagree with u. The green party will do work. We in gllobal wrmin and the green party will fix that. And they will fix the economy someway. Go green.

Quinton rexananoumus bley said...

We as people are made up of all the same things the earth is made up of. our chemistry is no different than the food we eat and air we breath. without the materials the earth provides us to keep warm, put a roof over our heads, give us our necessities. There needs to be more respect towards what we take and give to the earth. we need to live with the earth rather than on it.

Silpsupha said...

I see what you mean. Having a third party could be good for the people. The third party could give the United States another voice that helps see the truth in an issue. With a third party, they could help compromise the two, major parties. The third party has a way to express a possible alternative. The parties could work together to have a united party.

Stephen_Kaidantsis said...

Kirill, def have to agree with you on this one. The government cannot be run by some party that only cares about the earth, and im not saying that protecting the earth isnt important, but im saying there are more pressing matters that need to be handled and resolved quickly. #priorities