Sunday, October 9, 2011


I would definitely not want to be president. Being president would be a very hard job because there is a massive amount of pressure and responsibility that goes along with this career. Having to make choices for millions of people would be nerve-racking. Being a president is probably one of the worst jobs you could have. It would not be good to be stressed all the time and to eventually have gray hair. My health would be endanger due to all the stress that I would attain.
I do look up to the president for all the decisions he makes for our country.

1 comment:

Miro Letic said...

i agree that being the president is a horrible job. the stress that comes with it would be way to much for me to handle. i would not want the faith of a country in my hands. the stress would probably end up killing me. being president is a lot of hard work and i don't know why anyone would want to be president.