Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Someone would want to be president if they were passionate about helping the United States out and about their country in general. Although I agree with the article to a certain extent, I wouldn't go as far as saying it is the worst job in the world. The President has many perks; for example, insurance, a place to live, money, clothes etc. Many people in the United States don't even have enough money to pay for their next meal, so compared with them, the President is pretty well off. The President faces a lot of obstacles and is put under great stress, but it is ultimately his decision to run and he knows prior to running how much of a responsibility being President is.

1 comment:

katie sharp said...

I agree with Kara that it is very hard to be President but he really chose it for himself from the get go. It's a huge responsibility and yes we have to remember that we're all human and we're all going to mess up... but the President needs to consistently put his best foot forward and help lead this country.