Sunday, October 9, 2011

President's Job

I would not want to have the presidents job due to all the pressure and stress of living up to everybody's exceptions. Being in the public eye also puts pressure on family members from spouse to children. Your private life is almost non existent and your job is going to end at the maximum of 8 years which means you have to find a new job after that.


Brian Ciardiello said...

I agree with you that people have unreasonably high expectations for the President. People expect the President to be perfect and fix all the problems that the U.S is having. The President is only human though and makes mistakes like everyone else. The President's mistakes get highly criticized by the media and citizens. I also agree that you have no private life. I think that this would be very hard on kids because they can't live a normal life. All in all being President is a job that no one should want.

mia cupidro said...

I agree. That's another reason I would not want to be president that O didn't even think about. Every single thing you do is in the media and in the public eye. There is much pressure on a person as the president because they basically represent America as a country, so if the president does something immoral it reflects the country as a whole. Knowing that everyone makes mistakes it must be stressful for the president to be a normal human.