Monday, October 10, 2011

Quarter 1, Week 7: Campaign Finance

We have spent some time in class discussing the mass amounts of money that political campaigns raise and spend annually.  Are you comfortable with the amount of money that currently goes into campaigns alone? Why or why not?  Also, do you think the government should do more to limit the amounts of money that people can donate and/or candidates can raise?  Explain why or why not.


Rob F said...

I think the money could be put to a better use. Millions of dollars are being used, just so that people can be more public about their opinions. There are starving people in our world, but instead politicians want millions of dollars, for an extremely high stress job.

Anna Aiello said...
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karmenparedes[: said...

i agree with Rob, the money should be use for better. Instead of raising millions for one campain that will last how long again?
its worthless.

Paul Bozek said...

Rob i gotta say this, no noe gets anywhere for free. And really in a situation as a rep for president i could imagine those people being rather selfish adn such.

Rob F said...

Although it is true that no one gets anywhere for "free", it is rediculous and a slight bit hypocritical to spend half a billion dollars to get one person a position in our government. Some people ask why our government is broke. The reason is that people don't want to come together about the issues which need to be fixed. I consider myself a Republican, but perhaps we need to stop looking at ourselves as Republicans and Democrats, and start looking at what is best for ourselves as citizens of the United States of America. One of George Washington's statement towards the end of his Presidency was that we should stay away from political parties. I think this means that we should preserve the Democratic Republic, and stop trying to go one way or the other. If we focus too hard on trying to be too pure Republican or Democratic, then we end up spending too much money to fight each other, and the things that are actually important melt away.