Sunday, October 23, 2011

Thorn in the 1%'s side

I think that protesting wall street now is as effective as ever. It puts pressure on the people on wall street. The 1% of the wealthy Americans who control 40% of America's wealth, have gotten away with too much for too long. They need pressure for change, and not just a 1 day protest. These long term protests are a thorn in these over privileged people's side. Eventually, action must be taken in order to deal with the 99% of America who is not as priveleged as these people. This civil rights movement will affect the outcome of America; either pushing this country into the arms of the few, or towards "the people". America is for the average man and our right to protest and assemble is one of the few true liberties we have. We must use it to our advantage and give America back to "the people".


Mana Juretic =^.^= said...

Yea evan preach it.

andyk920 said...

Yeah i agree with what your saying man. i think that it is so messed up how 1% of the wealthy control 40% of the wealth. i think that it really needs to be changed. Hopefully these protests do something about it but i don't think it will because their is no leader to get things done.