Sunday, October 23, 2011

Wall Street Protest

I sincerely don't have a clue what all the protests are about. Even after doing a little research, I'm still a little confused. But from what I can make of it, it seems people are upset about how Wall Street screwed them over 3 years ago. These protests, or any protest for that matter, is a good use of freedom of speech. I've seen some authority figures such as police who have been brutally abusing these peaceful protesters. Things like using pepper spray, verbally assaulting, and physically beating people who simply don't agree with something. These are obviously acts that are preventing people from utilizing their first amendment.


Quinton rexananoumus bley said...

There is too many different demands from particular groups of people for change in wall street that nothing can be accomplished. all the material is there in the volume of protesters and enthusiasm they hold but the problem lies within leadership and organization for a common goal.

mayu sugikawa:) said...

I agree. I have no idea what this protest is about... there are too many different groups of people trying to change wall street. The protestors are not unified for one particular goal, so it is hard to know what the main purpose is.