Sunday, October 23, 2011

Wall Street Protests

I do think that the Wall Street Protesters are using their freedom of speech and assembly effectively. They are nonviolently protesting what they believe in. But I think what they are protesting is invalid. They are blaming Wall Street for something that the government has control over. But considering that elections are coming up, if these protesters are getting their point across to the candidates. Many candidates are looking to try to please these people, so by all of this protesting, they may are raising awareness for the problems they want fixed in our economy.

1 comment:

Silpsupha said...

That's true. The protesters do demonstrate a voice that can help the economy. They are right by protesting. I agree that they are effective. I learned that candidates can be effected by the protesters. I think soon the protesters will help the money be fixed. The protesters seem to be going well with their voices. They should be informative while they protest.