Thursday, November 10, 2011

America's Economy

Personally, I don't think the U.S. should go away from a capitalist system. Capitalism is everything that America is about. Freedom to make whatever you want, and competition to get better. In class we learned that Adam Smith, who proposed capitalism, said that the system will fail every once in a while. I think America is just in one of those downturns right now and that's not a reason to freak out and change the entire system. Besides, the U.S. has already fought a long "war" against Communism and people would not embrace the change to it.


Kira H. said...

I agree with this post. It would make no sense for our country to turn our backs on the free market system. In the past we have war after war in order to maintain a capitalist society and to also fight off communist ways in the world. If we were to try and change our system I think this would lead to turmoil because the older generations would feel betrayed. Many people lost their lives in order to keep this system, and it is most definitely not time to change it. Just because there wa a bump in the road doesn't mean we need to change everything.

andyk920 said...

Personaly I think we should try and modifiy the system we have because if we don't we are not going to be number 1 anymore. Also we might just need a prosedent that knows how to run a country because the last two have not known what to do. Hopefully the next one will know how to get us out of this economic crisis we are in and will end the war already and stop wasteing money on a failing cause.