Friday, November 11, 2011

Capitalism: A love story?

Capitalism is not perfect, there is no denying that fact. however, I do not believe that we need to do away with it just yet. After all, for the past 235 years it's been working just fine for the most part. Has it had it's ups and downs? Yes. We can't really ignore the Great Depression after all, but it has fixed itself every time that it has broken down. Our economy just needs a little boost right now to get back on track, not a complete makeover.


Rob F said...

I completely agree. If we were to change systems, there is a high probability of more people hating a new system. The reality is that there will always be someone to hate every system. We as people are not perfect, if we were, then everything would be perfect; no starving people, no global warming, and no bad anywhere.

Dylan Hanson said...

I agree, with both of you guys,mostly with rob. If everything were to be perfect then it would almost be like a heaven on earth and I believe that's just not possible.

Ahnna Yoo :) said...

I like what Sam said about Capitalism having ups and downs but also trying to fix every time there was a mistake to bring our economy up again. Capitalism works fine the way it is for America.