Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Chinese Teachers

I really think that it's a civil rights issue, because they have the virus that is causing HIV and AIDS. I also believe that any person that has AIDS or HVI should have the same rights as any other person that doesn't have any disease. This type of diseas can't be spread, only if you have "sexual contact", so why is it not ok to keep your job if your just another human vein with rights to keep your job!!!!


Lizzie Kapinos said...

I agree! these teachers have the same rights as any other person!! they shouldn't be discriminated against just because they have a disease. they have a right to keep their job because they arent harmful to students in anyway.

Katie Hughes said...

I totally agree! Everyone deserves the same rights and having a disease should not factor into getting a job! And since HIV/AIDS isn't contagious and wont get the students sick it's just ignorance!

Rob F said...

I agree, but it is also an economic issue, because the teachers are being deprived of being able to make money. They had to be educated to be able to become teachers, and now they aren't being allowed to make money from what they were trained to do.