Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Economic System

Changing our system, at this point, would be pointless. It was immediately start chaos. If anything in our lives don't work, the problem wouldn't be solved by avoiding it and changing our ways. The best way to handle any problem is to stay put and fix what we have now. Changing would not only be anti-American, but it would create confusion! Chaos isn't what we want is it?


Crosby said...

I agree with most of what you say. We can't change the system. BUT I do believe that changing the system would be anti American. This country was founded on freedom, trying to escape the system in Europe. This is why we need Capitalism

tiffanytufts said...

I agree, the system we have clearly is better then a lot of other countries and creates more happiness then other types of economies. Changing it now would just cause a lot of unhappiness and debate. We should keep capitalism in place.

Peter Lannon said...

I agree with you. If we changed it we'd just be running away from our problems and odds are they'd get worse and everybody would be pissed that we changed. You were right in saying that it would cause total confusion and chaos, so I totally agree with you. Leave everything alone.