Sunday, November 13, 2011

Economic System

I think that people tend to forget that the economy goes through good times and bad times. There is no such thing as a "perfect economy". But I think our economic system now is the best fit one for the United States. Even though the economy is at a low point, it is improving. Changing our economic system could cause in a drastic and unwanted change in the United States. And if it upset a lot of Americans, it would cause major problems for the United States government.


melissahamby said...

I agree with you. People do need to realize that things are not going to always be perfect. our sysytem might seem like it sucks right now but it's just the times we are in. if we were to suddenly change our ways, it would cause more chaos then it already is. Keeping things as is, is the best option we have.

mayu sugikawa:) said...

yea I agree with you. There is nothing in the world that is perfect, including our economy. We may not be happy with our economy right now, but if we change it completely we would be making things even worse than it is.

Kirill said...

I agree with elizabeth with the whole perfect economy idea. There is not nor will there ever be a perfect economy . People need to understand that what we have is working and working very well . Of course there are the high ups and the lowest of lows but that is how a government works. A great change like people want to make would not only risk great loss but also set us back for however long.Keeping things the same for now is the smart and reliable thing to do for now.