Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The fortunate and the complainers

There is a huge gap between the rich and the poor. BUT someone who's rich either earned it themselves or their family EARNED it. Everyone says how the rich should help out. They do, they donate to chairity and help the poor. BUT the poor people have to learn what hard work is. America was founded on the fact that one man could make a name for himself and get rich, if he worked hard. Now I know some people think that the people who live in slums can't make anything for themselves and can't have their kids become rich. Becoming rich normally takes a couple generations. There are some people that hit it big all the sudden, but that doesn't always happen. The people in the slums have to realize that in order for their kids to succeed, they themselves have to put down effort. The point of AMERICA is that you live the best life you can, and help your kids have it better off than you did. And then your kids will hopefully work hard so that their kids don't have really any problems and this pattern should continue. This is how the SUPER RICH families earned their money. People have to stop complaining and just make this life the best it can so that future generations can have it better off.


Anonymous said...

I agree somewhat. Yes, America was founded on the idea that we all, in theory, have an equal opportunity to better ourselves and live comfortably, and I love that. However, I do not believe that the people living in poverty are in their current economic condition because they are lazy. They work harder that any of those in the upper classes know how, the difference is that they work for less, and because of that can't afford the education necessary to move up the economic ladder. We don't need to do away with capitalism, but we do need to even the playing field and make it affordable for everyone to get the education necessary to better themselves and their living conditions.

mia cupidro said...

I think its very unfair that you said poor people need to learn what hard work is. Especially when some people work multiple jobs and are trying to get their kids through school, like Sam said. Our economic system should enable us to all have equal chance to making it big, but the truth is there is little equality in our economy. The rich keep getting richer and the poor and middle class are getting more poor. How is that fair?